27 October, 2010

Glimlag Vir Jou Foto!

Day 4 - Friday July 30th, 2010; used 7 pages, but they involve venting/observing/never filled in so this will end up only being the first 2

"Matt Damon is waiting for me in my room, don't call me anti-social, Lyz!" - Cathy in regards to her Bourne book

Up around 7 to leave at half after, head to Freedom Park to set up (the clinic side was our initial place, but then we had to move over to the OCV area) electrical cords, power switcher-outlet things [just remembered these are called "converters" haha], and 2 off white tarp/cloth back drops. We started taking people for groups (which increasingly grew as word got out even after Lincoln drove around with some care takers spreading word since 5:30a apparently!) at 11:30a, took one break, then kept going till about 3:30(we shut the gate by the police department to cap the line.) After packing up to come home, we did. Then showered, started laundry, read Ezekiel 27, sorta took a nap, moved the laundry, layered up then went to the campfire for dinner (salad w/ sun dried tomato basil dressing and carrots, cheese/hamburgers (grilled by Charles), and chips), then chilled by the fire with Kathy, Jenny, and tea after everyone else went inside, then after a bit moved into the common "chill area" in the main/guy's flat where everyone (being Kristy, Chris, Deb, Sean, Janelle, Charles, Jon, and Jeremy) decided to go out "on the town" & the rest of us (Jenny, Taylor, Kristy, Cathy, Dave, and myself) opted to stay home - thus I'm writing this and checking email/vegging on Facebook, then after a couple hours everyone got back from unwinding which was good timing because Jenny and I had already devoured a package of cookies and were moving onto chips :P

     Dave has a good heart for Johannes, specifically, and missions work (not so much kids at all - which A. is apparently totally different from his experience here last year? B. fine by me because that's exactly what Jenny, Murdock, and I came here to do!) I'm thinking good plans could come from Dave over this next year as far as fundraising....

How we ran things this morning at FP for the photo shoot:
  1. People would come sit and wait to be escorted over to the line - via Janelle or Jon - with their number in hand (small slip of paper that Deb, Kristy, and I made with scratch paper + crayons) - we'd only take pictures of those with a "ticket," even though the whole shoot was free for them, because then we would be sure to keep them in order 
  2. Be positioned facing towards the sun to avoid shadow-y faces from hats/etc
  3. We'd shoot the picture: the awesome part about this is that almost every picture was taken by 3 of our photography students from yesterday that showed up this morning to help!
  4. Mark each person's thumbnail with a smile face (via a sharpie)
  5. Then they'd go back to the waiting area and wait patiently talking to one another while we (the photographers) kept shooting the rest of the group -- always ending on an even number of pictures on the memory cards (because each page printed 2 pictures/page and when you have a limited supply of ink and paper, half sheets is how it is done)
  6. The cards were then taken to Kristie & uploaded to her computer
  7. Printed & framed (plastic sleeve like in a photo album)
  8. Match & cross off their numbers 
  9. Hand over the picture
  10. Then they each would walk home with joy that somebody was was willing to take time from their day to take their picture for them & giving it to them (when they were the ones who [some] gave up half their day just for this one picture).

Deb making numbers -- This is the one picture I actually shot on my own camera the entire day!
Anyone who knows me knows how crazy that is... haha -- but it was great having the boys there!! (below)

People waiting to have their photo taken; Johannes (our translator) who is basically awesome!

Delivering the memory card to Kristie and Maddie so it can be printed then cropped and framed by Kristy!
ps - awesome tan... ha.

Our photography team & supervisors :)

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