18 October, 2010

Strangers In a Strange Land

Day 1:  27 July, 2010
Tuesday night, wrote 2 pages but made a TON of new little friends and took a TON of pictures :)

"That sounds kinda like Toby Keith!" - Kristie
"I'm done playing. Don't you ever compare that man to Dave Matthews ever again!" - Dave

What today looked like: Woke up, got ready, drove 20 minutes to Freedom Park, toured and saw where we're building + who we're building the new shacks for, split up, started on the garden, lunch break, tried to dig more*, met the children(!!!!) - played and did crafts**, went "home" and showered(!!) then hung out before/after dinner, journaled & had some Bible time (read Jer 9), then went to bed.

THIS is a families HOME?!:
This is one of the houses we're replacing for a family of 5 (all HIV+)

*After lunch we were trying to get back to work when a man came up to us inside the big fenced in area where we were working telling us that the land we were working on was given to him to watch and that he did not like the way we were doing what we were doing. We told him (via our translator, Johannnes) that we were put to work here to help the community and were just doing what we were asked. He marched off to the police station... After a few minutes, our "fearless leader" - Sean - went with Johannes to the police station to try to clear things up we all hung out waiting to get back to work, but we had to wait till the next morning because the person we had to talk to was already gone for the day. Turns out the man was just going to make himself a garden, so one of the caretakers in the clinic (our main contact) worked it out for us to have it.

**Kid time!: We are working with a group of children in an after school program where they can come while their parent/s are still working. The program is Orphaned & Vulnerable Children (OVC). Today we learned for ourselves how in love with digital cameras they are, played cards*, played on the jungle gym, grabbed the small ones by their arms and spun them around (a lot), tried to learn the "move your booody" circle game (-- even though it has some English, I don't know the best way to explain it), and did a couple crafts. The crafts we did were your basic hand tracings with the child's name and age(if we could figure those things out) and jingle bell bracelets*. Their favorite thing to do with crafts is play with stickers*-- they LOVE putting stickers on their hands, foreheads, clothes, where ever there is open space on their craft...! They like stickers as much as our American kids do in Sunday school, but the difference is that these kiddos do not have an endless supply at the tip of their finger.

Food isn't bad because Janelle & Cathy (the moms) & Jeremy do the shopping + cooking while we're here, for the most part. Breakfast = bran cereal + a banana; lunch = 1/4 pb&j on white, some Doritos, and too much water (which while working in the sun, too much water isn't always good); dinner = garlic/cheese bread & spaghetti that had hamburger and peppers (made it sweet) in marinara sauce.

Mental note: pack purell tomorrow and wear shorts- it gets...hot.

Today we heard a story about people who sell their babies for drug money and how more times than not that baby is thrown right into the world of rape and sex. People (everywhere) are sick.

On a happy note, I still LOVE the accents so much...
haha we keep almost speaking to the kids in Spanish - and Jeremy actually did today
"More candies?" - young kids at Freedom Park ~ they may only be learning days of the week in English in school but they have asking for more candy down perfectly
"No mas! =( " - Jeremy who reached into his pockets but came out empty handed to prove he was out
"...hahah, Jeremy, which trip did you sign up for?" - everyone on the team who heard it

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