17 October, 2010

July 25th - 26th: Crossing the Atlantic, round 1

Here is the sunrise on the way to DIA the day we left:

(between 8:30a [take off] and noon [landing in D.C.]) -- sat in 28D (yes, I journal EVERYTHING. Just wait haha)

I slept 3 hours last night and I'm trying to stay awake till we leave Dallas Airport in DC, like Lincoln told us to...

The man infront and to the left of me on this first 3 hour flight has gross shoes... dark brown leather penny loafers and one intense leg tan that fades to a pale-pink tone then to a white/winter skin tone. I should stop judging people. He prolly came to Colorado to golf.

United Airlines is showing the new Miley Cirus "Last Song" movie... I wonder if she gets to pick the guys she acts opposite of...

There is a 14(?) year old girl in front of the ugly shoe man (ugly shoes, he is normal haha) who has a crapload of those new bracelets that are shapes when you take them off and she dropped one; it's a cyan-blue elephant and it is really cute & I'm tempted to steal it.

I haven't even been gone for half a day and I already am noticing differences in myself.
  • Just since starting + working at Starbucks & Sugar Bowl 2 and 1 years ago, I have become SO much more friendly, outgoing, attentive,  more acomplished, opinionated, a better (improved, not great) leader, "go & git-er-done" attitude. i have already grown so much and,even though I have a very long way still to go, I'm happy with how far I've come so far & I'm excited to see how else God helps/leads me to mature on this missions trip!
The guy who is sitting in 28J has his right arm in a sling... that'd suck.
This is probabally the biggest plane I've ever been on; i dont remember the model they said it is at the beginning... but it looks like this kinda:
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The elephant bracelet is totally still on the floor...

So, I made a playlist last night of songs to try to choreograph, there are 31 songs so far. I'll start a list on the inside of the back binding of this notebook (to kill time) :)
I wonder if anyone else on the team is good at giving massages/going/went to school for it... Landing in DC in half an hour!! 18 hour flight here we come =D

We're landing & the bracelet is still there but now looks more like the Red Bull bull would if it was a unicorn...

\L/O\N/G\ F/L\I/G\H/T\ N/U\M/B\E/R\ O/N\E/
& here you can see our sunrise on 7/26 after re-fuling in Dekar, Africa - post Atlantic:

1 John 4:10

"Fear is temporary, regret is forever."
           - Someone's tshirt

Us sacraficing 20 1/2 hours of our lives on a plane to "go" serve is no big deal compared to God's Sacrifice...

It is taking SO much self-restraint to not just start singing along with the music like I would normally do anytime I go from one place to another!! (in my car obviously)

"We will never ever ever ever <3 be apart"

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|   I love South African accents & the phraseology! |
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ps- I watched some of "Diary of a Whimpy Kid" & the big brother character TOTALLY reminds me of Eric Semin! haha

Somewhere in these 20 hours on this plane holds a lot of movie watching and sleep... simple enough.

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