02 November, 2010

Day 5: Our team has been together for 7 days... Lord, please bless us all.
Saturday 31 July, 2010. Wrote 7 pages, didn't shoot anywhere NEAR as many pictures as people back home would expect... just not feelin' it.

out and about
"Well it looks like Deb just screwed up my entire life!" - Jon
"How - did she get you pregnant?" - Cathy
This is the high voltage entrance fence that Chris (jokingly) dared Sean to try to jump... ha.

*Kaya: rap that Jeremy dances to for real while driving and Deb, Kristy, and I all dance to for fake behind him in a playfully teasing manner.
*Jacranda: good music in English (Lifehouse, OneRepubic, etc.) -- [This is the station where I first heard Secrets by Onerepublic so now that song makes me think of Africa :) ]

Deb, Taylor, Kristy

Today we have the day off in hopes that we can just work on processing this past week. To get away from the Shelter for a bit, Lincoln took us to the Safari Park. Basically, we are off-roading in the vans and get to see some really pretty things (a few pictures are below).  But off roading can be dangerous; an example of this is the time we were all turning around and Jeremy and Charles got competitive about it then Charles was trying to back up to crank the steering wheel ended up backing into someone else's car. LUCKILY for everyone, the only car that really got damage was ours (the shelter van) other than a dent in the other man's front  licence plate. It was crazy because after everyone realized what had happened the guy's wife got out of the car as Lincoln was taking damage pictures on his phone and it turns out they knew each other! The man's attitude (originally incredibly snappy - kinda understandable i guess, but totally unrealistic for what was on his car vs ours) changed like, right away! And turns out that Chris and Lincoln had it in the budget to be in an accident - SUPER common down there I guess.... :/

cute lil elephant :) 
"You have a good snacky-lou baby Ellie the elephant?! :D " - Kristy and her teacher mouth heehee :)

*15 minutes after Charles backs into someone in the park and leaves a sweet dent in the shelter van*
"Hey can someone please let Chris know that if they keep following so close going up these big mounds we're going to slide back and hit them?" - Jeremy
*Yelling from our van to the rest of the team in the van behind us*
"HEY CHRIS! Please tell Charles to not follow so closely, ok? We don't want to hit you... Thanks!" - Kristy
"...Kristy you aren't allowed to poke your head out the window at all or tell/yell anything to the other car anymore." - Jeremy

Someone accidentally left the sliding door open the half hour(?) we were away from the car - luckily nothing was touched!

Writing prompt for a boring night = describe the feeling you get when you hear tree branches scrapping the glass + the metal on the rental van... *cringe* 84x worse than a chalkboard.

Deb shot this out her window for me :)

"I wanna see a panther or a leopard or something" - Jeremy
"Well, you have one or two cougars in the car already..." - Deb

"This would be a good date spot - pack a picnic...bottle of wine...camera" - Jeremy
"Well, you've already got 3 ladies in here as well as two young men..." - Cathy
We ALL LOST IT [here after she made this reference to the Twilight conversation I quoted in a different post]! hahah

"Carrie Underwood is really pretty" - Taylor
"Mm, I'm not really seeing it" - Jeremy
"What?! I would live on her legs!" - Taylor

back "home"
*mental note: research the South African adoption treaty sometime*
Charles plays the guitar to destress apparently :/  (accident)

On the way home from the park, Kristy and I were looking out the window and saw the most beautiful scene (that I'd seen) out of the whole day. We were driving too fast for either of us to snap a picture, so we just tried to draw it, but learned neither of us are much for drawing so I wont take a picture of our attempts to draw it because neither of us did it justice. I'll try to paint a mental picture for future reference though: Highway hillside covered in dead, white, tall grass. In the middle of this hillside, is one of those tunnel drainage systems where it opens up and empties into a ditch and the sides + top are framed with a big cement wall. On the top left of the frame there was an African man in a bright blue wind breaker. His right knee was up at his chest while his left leg hung off of the structure. A bag blew by in the wind. Neither Kristy or I could figure him out - not that it was our job to, but he certainly intrigued both of us because immediately after seeing this shot we turned to each other and just said "...Wow."

View of today: Up at 7:40 to help with the breakfast/lunch making process, left around 9- half after (in theory), 45 minute drive to the animal safari park where we saw zebras, hippos, hyenas, deer & impala, turtles, lots of birds, rhinos, jackal, giraffes, wildebeests, elephants... It was neat for sure - the giraffes didn't seem as big as they do in the zoo but Jeremy pointed out these animals were only surrounded by brush and grass whereas at the zoo they're fenced in so you see their dimensions. So after being in the car for about 8 hours we came back home. I got to feed and put two babies to sleep in the shelter/orphanage and it was awesome! I'm still even more excited to have/adopt my own!! This was a couple hours ago and I still smell very much like "baby." After a little bit of chillage we had dinner (spaghetti pie with melted mozzarella on top, salad, and a really good oven-baked bread with butter) and the rest of the night is just hanging out....woo =/

Funny Story
This morning after waking up I went into the tiled bathroom and just biffed it on the overflown shower water. Kristy Murdoc walked in as i was getting up and thought I'd thrown up and was trying to clean it up - haha - but, no. Somehow I managed to stub my left toe + left hand and skinned both my right pinkie and arm. The skinned area is the kind that hurts and stings when you try to touch or wash it from being sensitive but it didn't bleed profusely. Good story, eh? :p

This was shot the next morning, but I still have a good scar from that spill haha

Jon reads out loud to focus on his book so now the joke is to write out loud.
Chris has an awesome camera and shoots good (great) pictures...

I'm going to write letters* (next post) to the guys who helped out at the photo shoot yesterday and the girl who was helping with the kids the whole time. I hope some one can translate for them! ( --> they didn't need a translator, go figure!)

Makes more sense if you were to know more background on everything...
Jeremy is on some massive kitchen cleaning freak mode... He said he just needs alone time from being submerged with everyone for about 6 - 7 full days -- I completely follow his thought process.
He is mopping (scrubbing) the tile with a wet rag, prolly on his hands and knees. I just hear him on the other side of the doorway behind me and I feel like he nabbed the only de-stresser around (other than writing of course)...(and apparently I like doing dishes here.)

I really miss my piano right now... and Johanna, Kevin, Jonah, & Mara - specifically :(

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