21 November, 2010

Culture Shock? Shake it off, hug a lion & eat some zebra!

Day 10 - 2 pages, LOTS of adventure...

Pretty sure I got ripped off a few times today, but oh well... :/
The SA rand is around 7: 1 US dollar

This guy Sidney (pictured first) tried to be my boyfriend so we could symbolize "the everlasting love" 'his' statue represented... He asked if I had email and said that because he is an artist he comes to the States all the time, haha. Oh Sidney... (then in the journal i listed who sold me what...)
 This guy (below) was a smooth talker and told me that most of the profits he and his brother(/vending partner?) make there, go to feed the other guy's baby girl... He asked for a picture (cuz almost EVERYONE there loves having their picture taken) then we took one on his cell phone for him to "show her who helped him buy her bread that day". It is tough to figure out how factual their stories are that the use to get you to look at their stuff, but I like to believe the best in people - which is what got me scammed in the first place haha.

In South Africa, people will stand all up and down the median at stop lights trying to sell things to you while you're waiting for the light to change. We just passed a group that was selling bat kites! haha.

So I sat next to Tahabng and Johannes all day in the back of the shelter van. Tahabng (the 2 1/2 yr old son) liked to play with my hair and hair clip (which I ended up putting on his shoelaces but it broke in the mall).

His little hand is traced in my notbook, next to his + his brother's birthdays. Then I got to sit next to them at dinner too.

Lion Park.
First, we found the giraffes:

Then, we found the cubs!:

You know that rush you get when you do something for the first time? When you feel SO scared, but really excited all at once? Multiply that by 4 and thats sorta how this was :)

(this was shot through the back window)
Also, I dont have the picture of it but, one of the grown lions decided that the tire on the back of the Smith's truck looked delish so it basically maulled the tire after mounting their car. There is a nice chip on the bumper from its nail, too...


Yep, I ate leg of lamb, venison meat balls, venison sausage, giraffe, zebra, gemsbok, & croccodile!
Delicious =)

& I was given the "Official Photographer" award (everyone got one award or another) from Kristy & Deb :)

Lots of sleeping in the car on the way home.

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