23 June, 2012

First Day of School!

June 6, 2011
Monday, 3 pages

"'I want' gets you nothing in life, you must use 'please'." - Ms. Jay

"Do not just throw your papers on my desk - you all know I am allergic to mess!" - Ms. Jay, Grade 2 teacher

Word Bank:
Jersey = sweater
Spade = shovel

     I am sitting in on the seven year old Grade 2 class today and these thirteen children kind of astound me! they are learning attentively about Gideon and the Judges. They each stand up to answer questions after the majority of the class shoot their hand into the air seeming so eager to answer any question they are ready to pee their pants lest they are called on. There is a duty for "chalkboard eraser/duster"and the little boy who has been assigned the task this week is named Muvaki and I cannot figure out who he reminds me of, but I hope I get a picture of/with him. Maybe a class picture with Ms. Jay and all. I so love how much Ms. J affirms her kids. "You are amazing!" she will tell them many times during the day - they often try to blurt out impressive tasks they've completed* and I wonder how much they are allowed/welcome to speak at home...

          *Muvaki called out to Ms. Jay that he already knew an answer they hadn't gotten to because he "has a big quick brain" so he "is amazing!" :) He is also very expressive & musical.

Ms. Jay would send the kids to me for their assignments - I'd check work and be read to about everything from seahorses self defense systems and flag poems, to a little puppy who Joshie called "a sausage pie" haha! I love this.

     I've had this last week and a half off from working with kids full time at Christian Youth Theatre (CYT) and I'd already forgotten how much I miss this!

They all just asked Ms. Jay for spankings with a wooden spoon "because it is fun!" according to the kids ...? What?? "What if I did this over in America these days, huh?" haha, oh Ms. Jay :)
"Said not sait, we are not from Mbare (a high density poor community inside the capital city of Harare)" - Ms. Jay ... Woah, put the kids in their place much?

She told the kids to ask me about snow, so I got to tell them a bit about it an dhow much colder it will be in Denver that it was here this morning. They seemed slightly astounded over it... Since it is "winter" here (still gets to 80s+ F daily) and summer back home, it was fun to help them compare seasons.

"Joshua - Jesus gave you a neck to hold your head, not your hand" haha, I like that.

I am also spending time with the K5 class (the older half of kindergarten). After spinning most of them around outside I read them their story (about Big-Little Tiger going to the store for eggs) then they all said a little about themselves after a 5 minute 'nap'. Following, I told them about my sisters and brothers, job, and weather in Denver - hot beautiful summers and freezing cold winters. They think snow sounds awesome with skiing, sledding, and boarding. Half of them would like to go home with me already :) Any time you make eye contact with someone back home one of the two either makes an awkward face and laughs or just looks away, here the 5 year olds just shyly and politely smile and wave to you. Mannerisms are very different, but it is better.

They have an adorable song they sing about "memorizing from the Bible *clap clap clap*" before devotions... The class is very good at congratulating and encouraging one another, I wish we had more of this back home.

"Very well done Ziv - you are a very clever boy!" - Mrs. S, more affirmation!

     - feet together on the floor
     - chair tucked close to the table
     - backs straight up against your chair
     - 1 finger on the pencil, the other hand anchoring the sheet

Panashe' (below left) is more than adorable oh my goodness! He gives thumbs up for everything with a huge smile! Happy when he achieves something praise worthy... Leslie (below right) was the first one here to give me "sharp sharp"!! (Ahh South Africa trip flashbacks...)

     After coming "home" from school, we just had the evening off before/after dinner so got some alone time with God, pen + paper +music. Then later in the evening, we all went to the family's favorite spot in town where I really wish I'd've brought my camera. Pool chairs and lounging on a hotel rooftop with such a view is insanely peaceful and relaxing...

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