25 June, 2012

Standing on Rooftops Everybody Scream Your Heart Out

Tuesday the 7th
 four pages

Amber = the yellow traffic light

Back in the Grade 2 room right and early :)
Muvaki is a singer and a dancer - he totally takes on after Michael Jackson...

      After a bit I moved over to Grade 1 and walked in on arithmetic - they're studying time telling and change ($). It looks like the only type of crayon sold here is the Twistables because that is what every student in each class I've been to is using. Daniel is a speedy little booger, especially on his schoolwork and there is this other little boy (who's name I don't know yet) who keeps looking at me during the lesson, it's funny and he is sweet. This class has a dancer/singer as well, makes me happy :) What also makes my day is when two little boys come up to me to show me their 100% awesome work - the pride they take in their school work is way adorable! There is another beautiful child whom I haven't met yet either named Jayden (i think?)... After math we moved into phonics. These were the "sounds of the day":

    wa- wash                       a- adopt        asleep       annoying
           was                             adult         awake       away
           want                            again/st
           wasp                           amount     among
           watch                          about        according
           wand                           attach       allow
           water                           attack       aloud

     The term of praise for students is apparently "very cleaver" over "smart".
     Mrs. H let me help grade papers! Everyone gets a smiley face from me if they got it all right.

     Their cute little snack break prayer, said in unison, is:
                   Thank You, God for the world so sweet
                   Thank You, God for the food we eat
                   Thank You, God for the birds that sing
                   Thank You, God for everything!
Popcorn is the most common snack, anywhere in Zim that I've noticed. Mom would like it here ;)

     At break (recess) I walked outside and was lovingly bombarded by handuls of bright smiley faces and hugs - totally made the second day here! This is why I come here. Also, I was a ref for their soccer game & they were impressed when I jumped in, haha.

     Back to Grade 1, "Police Safety" Lesson:
"You must always use your seat belt, Daniel" - Mrs. H
"You must always inform your parents where you are because otherwise a stranger or thief can come by and chop off your head!" - one of the kids, haha

Grade 1

"When I am done I would just sit in a chair and stare at you" - Leslie
"Why?" - me
"Because I like you :) " - Leslie
haha awwe, five year olds...

The K5's

Those goofs... Hehe

on the next two pages, I started collecting some K4 & K5 signatures... :)

Standing in the back of classrooms observing cultural differences. Hearing kids greet in unison anybody who enters the class while in session. Here teachers, administration, and helpers get much more respect than many in the States. Seeing the little kids leave school at the end of each day wearing their Barbie and Spider Man backpacks. Outside lizards hurry freely about, consuming bugs off the ground while birds are perched on rooftops that rats settle in. If you watch a gnat or a fly or a bee for a minute it looks simply lost. If you ride down the road watching out the window into the hitch hiker's eyes only for a few seconds they look lost, broken, and hurt. Eventually you get to a point where all you would like to do is write a letter to everybody you drive past declaring that they are children of God who He created in His own image. Whom He loves dearly. Whom He cares about. Whom He'd only like the best for. Whom He has a plan for. Who hurts Him when he hurt others. Who is beautiful. So child, scream your heart out.


     Mari found me in Connections (the restaurant at the church) around 1:40p and introduced herself then we checked out with the chick at the school entry then got into get car where *surprise* Robin (a guy we'd met earlier in the trip) was acting as her GPS. We went to find Brenna at the government hospital, where she was working each day, then after a few phone calls and being sent to three random buildings, we found her and Dr. Reid at the Red Cross kiosk then drove him to his office, and came home to find our new schedules and phones. I finally got to write Jenny back from Saturday, then we were all three gonna go to music practice at church (Celebration Centre) but all opted out after finding out that Aunt Bonnie wasn't going to stay if she were to go so we just decided to change into sweats and stay home and spend time with Sarah. We watched Soul Surfer while having dinner then had cake and ice cream on the counter after Ms Mom (Brenna's mom, also named Bonney) went back to our rooms to skype her hubby. After Brenna, Sarah, and I talked with Dr. Jess for a bit we each got a round of adjustments which was nice. 

     We pretty much agreed tonight that Dr. Reid is an angel - he never keeps anything donated to him including cars, rooms/places to live (he stays in his office by choice), new clothes... He just turns around and passes the things on to someone else who needs it mroe than he does. He sleeps on the floor of his office, like I said ^, has two outfits, and only really eats when invited over to someone's house - which apparently means left overs often. Brenna, Sarah, and Dr. Jess all described him as the nicest man you will EVER meet on earth, anywhere. I can't wait to work with him :)

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