06 September, 2011

"Capture the Flag in the Dark" goes Swimming

June 4th, Saturday
2 pages, written on Sunday

Yesterday was a 'sleep in' (45 mins) + lazy day. We were woken up to Uncle (Pastor) Tom saying they'd like to take us out for breakfast at this cute little garden side restaurant - which was good, Aunt Bonnie ordered these desert things for everyone to pass around with a delicate flaky base, whipped cream, cinnamon, sprinkled with rose petals -- which most of us tried (tasted fine/a little bitter).

The rest of the day was mainly just set up for Sarah's birthday party. Brenna & I sliced and buttered hot dog and hamburger buns until our hands cramped, haha! The party in itself was fun :) Brenna and I played foosball with some of the boys we met the night before at Youth (Josh "Gray" - 18, Glynn - 16, and Josh "Strydom" - 18) for like half an hour then conversed with some new adult friends (Nicole, Rachel, and the Stwearts) before/during/after dinner, then I decided to be more out going and joined in with the teens again for Capture the Flag in the Dark: I captured one opposing player, was imprisoned 2x, then as I almost crossed back to my side of the line on a jail break I was caught again BUT this time I was rescued by the boys (Gray, Dan, Glynn, possibly Strydom) who had a plan to deteriorate the game so nobody won by throwing selected people into the swimming pool. It just so happened that somehow they guys jumped/fell in while throwing someone in so after they all got out and started to comment how freezing cold it was I went and put my hand in (on the opposite side alone so nobody would push me in) & it really wasn't that cold. And I said that to the lot of them -- apparently in a hinting sort of way... Not half an hour later Ms. J asked me to come help serve ice cream -- being there to SERVE naturally I jumped up to help. I headed towards the house but was intercepted by the guys who started to swarm then pounce, made sure my pockets were empty & shoes were off before counting to 3 and throwing me in! It was only like ice for about 20 seconds, then I was able to show off my Colorado/viking blood and be a man for a little while with them haha :)  Later, Dan said that was my Zim initation haha. Then he asked "Lyz, where is my cousin? She should be initiated as well hey!" After he shared a look with his buddies, I told them she'd gone for bed around 7:30 way back during Capture the Flag, because she was still hardcore hit with jet lag so if they went and dragged her out of bed to throw her into the pool she would not be a happy camper!

After more pictures were taken [that still haven't surfaced on Facebook - Strydom?] and their "Fully clothed person: meet our Winter backyard pool at 10pm!" fun was wrapping up, we moved over to the fire pit and just talked, it was nice. I was given 2 different break dance lessons from a 5 year old named Ethan who was "bored" (but really just wanted to show off his breaking skills) + the guys kept sending him to me because they didn't want to play with him so Dan + Strydom + Glynn would say "Hey, Lyz wants to know how to dance - teach her!" So I was a good sport 'for the kids' & the pictures [?]. I just hung out with Dan, Glynn & Strydom (as "holiday friends") at the fire until the party was over and we all split...

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